+1 (630) 645-0600 [email protected]

FITOCLIMA 600 + 1200

Environmental simulation Plant Growth chambers with ‘reach-in’ dimensions, developed for the various fields in Biotechnology and plant research. With exceptional temperature, humidity, air flow and photo-period control and a wide range of options, they are adaptable to virtually any research scenario.

FITOCLIMA 600 & 1200

The range of Aralab BIO reach-in chambers offer optimal environmental control for the many branches of plant research or insect rearing. With multiple lighting and shelving options, they can be used for almost any research application.

The new ClimaPlus touch-screen controller is easily programmable, enabling the simulation of dusk and dawn, day or night cycles, clouding, dewing, or rigorously simulating any environmental conditions necessary for your research.

Single compressor

Low energy consumption

Low noise level (50 dBa)

Sub lids

100% HCFC/CFC free

Castors and door key lock

Porthole for external temperature probes

Model Number FITO CLIMA 600 & 1200
Interior dimensions (H x W x D) (mm)

FitoClima 600: 1340 x 600 x 660

FitoClima 1200: 1340 x 1320 x 660

Exterior dimensions (H x W x D) (mm) FitoClima 600: 1980 x 730 x 920 FitoClima 1200: 1980 x 1450 x 810

Internal volumes (liters)

Close to 600 and 1200

Temperature range

-5 to 45ºc (Lights Off)

+5 to 45ºc (Lights On)

Temperature Uniformity (ºc)

+/- 1ºc

Humidity range

40% to 80% rH (Lights On)

40% to 90% rH (Lights Off)

Humidity Uniformity (%)

“+/- 2% rh (Lights Off)


Multiple options, from 200 to +2.000 µmol m-2 s-1


FitoClima 600: up to 4 shelves with light control

FitoClima 1200: up to 8 shelves with light control

Electrical connection

Single phase. Available with all regional electrical requirements

Automatic defrost remove
Antifreeze function remove
Vaccum release port remove
Access port for external probe etc. (Int. diameter mm) 12
Light remove
Lock with key Yes
Castors (total pcs) / castors with brake (pcs)
Sub lids / sub doors (qty) 4/0
Reversible doors (qty) remove
Fixed shelves (pcs) / adjustable shelves (pcs) no
Max. no. of shelves (pcs) / recommended max. no. of shelves (pcs) no
Basket remove
Total capacity of 50 mm boxes 9×9 didviders (pcs) 282
Total capacity of 75 mm boxes 9×9 didviders (pcs) 204
Total capacity of 96 mm boxes 9×9 didviders (pcs) 129
Product datasheet SF 500 (US) Download
 User manual (GB) Download
Wiring diagram Download
 Dimension diagram Download
Safety Datasheet EP88 Download