+1 (630) 645-0600 [email protected]


We have partnered with Aralab to provide superior environmental simulation solutions. Our motivation is taking your projects further, delivering the features you need: Your own climate. Using innovative and leading-edge design, together with high volume sourcing & manufacturing, our products set the industry standard while remaining cost-effective. Our commitment to product quality is achieved through well-engineered product design together with the use of high specification components, and maintaining tight control on production processes.


Aralab’s range of ‘walk-in’ FitoTerm thermal chambers allows you to perform temperature tests, rapid temperature changes, aging tests or material stress tests

With a “walk-in” format, it allows testing of larger materials, ideal for research and development, quality control, testing and testing of materials

Easily programmable to run different tests automatically, recording all data in the controller and software.

Pittcon 2022 Chinchilla Scientific

Bio Testing & Research

Plant Growth Chambers and Controlled Environment Rooms: 

Reserach in Plant Growth, Tissue Culture, Arabidopsis, Crop Sciences, Entomology, Algae, Seeds, CEA and other Biotechnology applications.

Plant Growth Research

Plant Growth chambers and growth rooms offering unsurpassed accuracy, reliability, and reproducibility …


Arabidopsis Growth Chambers and Growth Rooms offering unsurpassed accuracy and reproducibility of Temperature, Humidity, and Light conditions. 

Tissue Culture

Growth cabinets and Rooms for micro-propagation and in-vitro cultures …

Insect Rearing & Entomology

Insect Reseach and Rearing chambers, offering unsurpassed accuracy and reproducibility of Temperature, Humidity, and Light conditions. 

Controlled Environment Agriculture

Indoor Verticle Farming Plant Factory solutions creates the conditions to produce super clean healthy vegetables in a new paradigm of real Controlled Environment Agriculture. 

Algae & Bio Marine Research

Algae Research cabinets offering unsurpassed accuracy and reproducibility of Temperature, Humidity, and Light conditions. 

Seeds, Storage & Drying Applications

To reach low relative humidity levels and constant, accurate and reproducible controlled environment. 

Lights for Plant Research

Simulating days, dusk, or dawn requires light. Chinchilla Scientific (through Aralab) offers a vast array of lighting options for your research needs.

Pittcon 2022 Chinchilla Scientific

Stability & Photostability Tests

Stability Testing Chambers & Environmental Stability Rooms:

Stability and Photostability testing of Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Food & Beverages, and Quality Control of products with exposure to different environmental conditions.

Stability Testing Chamber

Environmental chambers and rooms designed for Stability Testing and Controlled Environment Storage, offering precise and long lasting control of temperature, humidity and air flow.

Photostability Testing

Stability and Photostability chamber designed in accordance with ICH Guidelines Q1A and Q1B for temperature, humidity, and light exposure (photostabilty) testing.

Pittcon 2022 Chinchilla Scientific


Environmental and Temperature Testing Chambers:

Temperature, Humidity and Climatic simulation chmabers for Electronics, Aeronautics, Automotive, Building Materials, R&D Laboratories according to the highest quality and most demanding standards.

Environmental Testing Chambers

With superior construction and durability they are the ideal solution for …

Temperature Testing Chambers

Chambers for thermal shock tests for simulation of temperature ramps … 

Metrology & Calibration

Equipment specifically developed for metrology laboratories …

Curing of Cement & Mortar

Climatic chambers with temperature control, high humidity ranges …

Solar Panels & Modules

Climatic and Temperature test chambers from ‘reach-in’ to ‘walk-in’ dimentions … 

Reseach in Plants &


Stability &

Photostability Tests

Testing Temperature &

Climatic Tests